Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dear 2013...

Dear 2013,

You were the best year of my life.  Thank you for everything that you have given me.  After years of trying, I unexpectedly found out that I was pregnant, and you gave me the gift of the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on.  I am almost sad to see it go, but happy to see what 2014 has in store for us!  Thank you 2013!  It's been real!  Happy New Year!

I absolutely love making this video- I can't watch it with out crying!  2013 was 100% best year of my life!

Christmas with the Phipps'

My baby's first Christmas has come and gone!  The afternoon of Christmas Eve was spent at my family's house!  Nino was definitely the star of the show!  I don't think I got to hold my baby the entire day!  He was passed around from aunts, to cousins, to uncles, to grand-mom, to great-grand-mom!  Then we spent the evening with Pat's family.  His mother usually hosts a big Christmas Eve shindig centered around the bar, but decided to opt for dinner because of Mr. Anthony.  It was great!  Christmas Eve is very special for me, because 7 years ago that is the night Patrick proposed to me :)  Christmas morning we always to go my parents house for a big breakfast, that is the one time of year my father cooks, and as always it was delicious!  And Christmas night is spent, with Pat's family once again, at his God-Parents house for their annual fiesta!  All in all, it was the best Christmas yet, because we got the best gift of all! :)

My Family
Mr. Christmas in his bow tie & Santa hat 
Christmas Eve
Patrick's Fam :)
Cookies for Santa
"Look Mom!  He ate the cookies & drank the milk!"

Christmas Morning

Christmas Breakfast
me & my baby on Christmas Night

I love my family- Nino's first Christmas was a success! 

2 Months Old!

Holy Moly!  My baby boy is 2 months old!

LOVES: To eat!  And he loves to be held by his mommy! :)

HATES: to be hungry!  Lord help us all!  The only time this boy cries is when he is hungry!  And you better make that bottle FAST! Because he will let you know, you are not moving fast enough!

EATING: This little big guy is chowing down 7oz every 3 hours!!!!!

SLEEP:  He is sleeping completely through the night since about 6 weeks.  I mean this boy goes to bed about 11ish every night and sleeps till about 8!  I am so lucky!!!  Last night (1/1) was his very first night in his crib!  He did great!  Woke up once at 5, ate and back to sleep he went!

NICKNAMES: Neener seems to be the one that has really stuck so far lol.

WEIGHT:  He was at the doctors 12/16 and weighed in at 11 lbs 1 oz - But he sees the doc today for his 2 month well baby visit!  So I am very anxious to see how much hes gained in the past two weeks

12/7- First visit with Santa & first Christmas Tree
12/8- First Snow
12/25- First Christmas